Founded in 1991 by Ilsa Artusi Agottani, descended from members of the Socialist Cecilia Colony, she grew up hearing the culinary praises regarding her paternal grandmother, Crimeni Artusi, lovers manifested: “must be an Artusi”, due to the renowned gastronome and writer Pellegrino Artusi, (1820-1911) who wrote: A Ciência na Cozinha e a Arte de Comer Bem (The Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well).
+55 41 3029.6154
Mercado Municipal
Av. Sete de Setembro, 1865 Mercado Municipal
Box 16 – Centro | 80.060-070 | Curitiba PR
Rua Mal. José Bernardino Bormann, 600 | 80.440 – 195 | Curitiba – PR
Traditional and friendliness are essential ingredients of our house. Come and try the delights of Anarco and be part of this beautiful love story for Italian cuisine.
Av. Sete de Setembro, 1865 | Box 16
(41) 3336 – 0049
Rua Mal. José Bernardino Bormann, 600
(41) 3013 – 5379
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